CCoA Creating Competences in Automation: Talents and Industry 4.0 Projects for Moroccan Manufacturing

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SADASC conference: presentation of CCoA projects planned

September 24, 2022,

10:30 – 13:00 GMT +1 

Onsite event


Faculté des Sciences Semlalia in Marrakech.

The CCoA is presenting itself at one of Morocco’s most important technology conferences. At the SADASC in Marrakech on 24.09.2022, the initiative, which is supported by industry and development cooperation organisations, will present how it has supported industrial knowledge transfer to Morocco since the beginning of 2021, thus contributing to future-proof employment and sustainable development. 


The highlight of this comprehensive presentation by the CCoA is the presentation of the best projects that students at the country’s higher and vocational education institutions have developed on behalf of and in collaboration with industry in the fields of automation and Industry 4.0 in recent months. PhoenixContact, one of the leading companies in the electrical industry in Germany, had made its PLC platforms available for this purpose. In total, more than 500 students and around 350 final projects were created PhoenixContact will also award prizes to outstanding projects and provide their teams with financial support to further develop their ideas.


Without the active participation of numerous university lecturers and companies from Morocco, the uniquely broad participation in this form would not have been possible. The prerequisite for this was that the CCoA had already implemented a well thought-out concept of train-the-trainer measures since summer 2021. The first teachers from Morocco’s most renowned universities who took part in the measures were already able to use the technological and didactic skills they had gained to train students in state-of-the-art technology for Industry 4.0 and to supervise them in practical projects. To this end, the CCoA team was able to successfully win over more than 50 companies and institutions from Morocco and Germany to assign tasks for the projects.

 “It is important for us to actively share the experiences of our project with Morocco’s industrial and scientific community in Marrakech together with the participating university lecturers,” says CCoA project manager Dr. Ardin Djalali from Steinbeis University.

Interested companies can talk directly to participating students and also university teachers at the conference in Marrakech. The best projects will be exhibited in the foyer of the conference centre in Marrakech. The CCoA website also features profiles of the students, whose skills and digital competences represent a unique talent pool for the development of industrial capacities in Morocco. The CCoA team in Morocco and Germany also offers to refer relevant industry enquiries to students and universities.


The CCoA’s organisation of this event is supported by the Special Initiative on Training and Employment of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), which is implemented, among others, by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. In Morocco, the Special Initiative is implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and Trade.


10:30 GMT +1

11:30 CEST

Welcome and introduction 

  • Ms. Saloua Laassel-Hajji, GIZ Morocco
  • Dr. Ardin Djalali, Steinbeis-Hochschule, Graduate School for Leadership & Management
  • Ms. Kaoutar Najad, project coordinator of CCoA
  • Mr. Claus Schmiedel, Critalog 
  • Prof. Mohamed Hamlich, UH2C
  • Mr. Klaus Hengsbach, PhoenixContact

10:45 GMT +1

11:45 CEST

Keynote: ETAT Smart Labs and the pedagogical approach for Automation 4.0 Training

  • Prof. Dr. Reinhard Langmann, EDUNET World Association

11:10 GMT +1

12:10 CEST

Panel: Talents and Technologies for a Competitive Moroccan Industry

  • Mr. Götz Jäckel, GJ Softwaredidaktik 
  • Mr. John Ulrich Fimpel, GIZ Business Scout 
  • Mr. Ali El Alaoui, UM6P 
  • Prof. Aicha Isser, OFPPT 
  • Prof. Rachid Lahboubi, Directeur de l’École D’Agriculture de Temara 
  • Prof. Mohamed Ennaji, ENSAM 
  • Mr. Ahmed Kousta, UM6P
  • Moderation: Mr. Johannes be Isa, INOYAD GmbH 

12:00 GMT +1

13:00 CEST

PLC Assets and Challenges in Digital Twin for Industrial Energy Management

  • Mr. Oussama Layati, UM6P

12:15 GMT +1

13:15 CEST

Production Tracking for Injection Machines – Creating an OpenSource Digitalization Solution

  • P3 Group 
    – Mr. Dustin Kraus 
    – Mr. David Schwarz 
    – Mr. Sebastian Becker 
  • HESTIM Students 
    – Mr. Armand Dzesssou 
    – Mr. Japhet Ayassou 
    – Mr. Tadjou Tchota 
    – Mr. Jacintho Mpeteye

12:40 GMT +1

13:40 CEST

Young Talents in Automation Award

12:50 GMT +1

13:50 CEST

Closing Words

  • Dr. Sarah Kunkel, Project Manager CCoA

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